A Story Beats HOOK Example

Story HOOK

By: Grant P. Ferguson

Last Updated: April 24, 2024

In a prior post, I promised you Story Beats HOOK example from my work in progress, Death of an Heir.

What is a Story Beats HOOK?

The opening pages of a novel introduce essential aspects of the story and grab readers with an intense need to know what happens next.

These critical details convey what the story is about, establish the actions required for upcoming events (e.g., characters and settings), and entertain readers (i.e., maintain interest).

Also, the HOOK is the first opportunity to make the hero appealing and hint at one or more flaws.

Aside from grabbing readers’ attention, the HOOK starts the SETUP for the story in the stable world. The SETUP serves as the contrast to when the hero enters the unstable world in Act 2.

The Story Beats HOOK from Death of an Heir

These prior posts lead up to today’s example:

In the above posts, I referred to the POV character as Dorothy Example. In this cozy mystery excerpt, she’s renamed Deena Finch.

Story Beats HOOK Example

Friday, Present Day
Byna Spring, Texas

Deena Finch savored the last sip of dark-roast coffee before she pulled the baking tray from the oven. While the peanut butter dog treats cooled, a thump on the longleaf-pine floor announced her chubby Boston terrier was on his way. Each morning, around six o’clock, Ike enjoyed a fresh treat before a slow-walk in the neighborhood.
     The temperature in Byna Spring had yet to reach the toasty range for early June. Deena loved her mornings, unhurried times of reflection and prayer. But the patter on the windows signaled rain, and Ike hated to get his feet wet. She snugged the yellow slicker tight around her neck before snapping the leash on the dog.
     Most mornings, she and Ike strolled through the residential neighborhoods near Main Street, taking in the quiet that blanketed the small Texas town. On those days, Deena left the hundred-year-old building through the front door. Given today’s rain, she planned a short trek and exited by the back door into the alley.
     The colorful art painted onto the walls of the buildings took on a surreal glow. Holding the umbrella over her and Ike, Deena made the best of the weather, letting the dog take his time as the drumming of drops on the rooftops and umbrella wooed her into a dreamlike state. She recited her favorite Bible verses and a wave of peace swept over her.
     Ike jerked on the leash, growled low and nosed a loose shoe. She froze, but the dog tugged again, straining toward the body lying face up. A flood of adrenaline raced through Deena’s veins. Her balled fists dug sharp nails into soft palms.
     Ike inched forward, dragging Deena along.
     She stared at the discolored face. Ted Deval? Her newest client at Live Oak Gallery.
     Even though Ike weighed north of twenty-five pounds, Deena swept the dog into her arms, darted back inside, and phoned the police.
     Her husband came into the kitchen, stood near, and after she hung up, Deena collapsed into his arms. Between sobs, she described Ike’s discovery.
     Without a word, Greg hugged Deena tighter.
     After moments of silence, Deena raised her head from Greg’s chest. “I told Officer Thurston we’d meet him in the alley.”
     Greg locked Ike in his crate and grabbed the oversized umbrella.
     Outside in the steady downpour, minutes passed. “I—” Deena turned toward Greg. “I’ve got to see if it’s really him.”
     Greg hugged her shoulders. “You sure?”
     She nodded.
     The day before, Ted Deval asked Deena to appraise a painting from his parents’ estate. The art rested on an easel inside her gallery.
     Deena came out of her thoughts to find Greg staring at her. Without a word, she led him toward the body. He held the umbrella over her as she leaned down.
     Before today, it had not crossed her mind that bad things might happen to good people in Byna Spring. As she drew close to the pale body, a drop of rain, like an icy finger, raked down her back to the base of her spine.
     Her newest client, at six feet tall, was rail-thin for a forty-something male—a stark contrast to her husband, who was half a head shorter and stocky. The victim’s rain-soaked hair looked black instead of what she remembered as chestnut brown, but he was definitely Ted.
     When Deena stood up, Greg wrapped his arms around her. “You okay?”
     “What do you think, Captain Oblivious?”
Greg squeezed Deena’s shoulders and touched his lips to her damp forehead. “For a grumpy gal, you don’t gripe too much.”
     She glanced at her watch. Where’s officer Thurston?
     Greg wiped a raindrop from her nose. “Get you anything?”
     “Yeah. Find the receipt to that carefree retirement you promised!”
     “We’ll get through this.” Greg pulled Deena close as an involuntary spasm swept across her shoulders.
     She stared toward the alley’s entrance.
     Sure, you and Ike, maybe. Me, not so sure.

Story Beats HOOK Wrap Up

I hope you enjoyed the excerpt from Death of an Heir. Here’s a quick run down of the essential scene beats.

  • HOOK: Introduced the point of view character with action.
  • SETUP: Described the location and routine.
  • TRIGGER: Forced POV character to deal with a dead body.
  • WRANGLE: Showed her debating choices and actions.
  • ACTION: Showed POV character acting on choices.
  • CLIMAX: Raised the question: what will happen next?

For instance, in the next section, I’ll elaborate on story beats.

The Story Beats HOOK Reduces Stress

My stress level has declined over the years, but I still recall how the lack of writing structure limited my ability to connect all the dots in my stories.

So I found books for writers that gave me the required knowledge of structure. Later, I discovered apps to help me track everything, including Story Beats.

Details Are in the Story Beats

Now, I delight in connecting all the story beats. For instance, I can record essential building blocks (i.e., beats) using my favorite writing app — Scrivener.

  • HOOK: The Story Beats HOOK Offers something new or:
    • Shows action
    • Foreshadows trouble
    • Dialogue grabs attention
    • Raises question
  • SETUP: Provides brief information regarding the character and current location.
  • TRIGGER: Forces to the surface the scene PROBLEM.
  • WRANGLE: Shows hero reflecting briefly on the choices and actions required to deal with the problem.
  • ACTION: Moves character from the scene PROBLEM toward the scene GOAL (or WANT) based on hero’s choice and action.
  • CLIMAX: Shows the outcome of character trying to achieve GOAL (or WANT), and sets up the drive to the next scene, such as:
    • Ends with a cliffhanger
    • Redirects story with a revelation
    • Presents hero (villain) with a setback
    • Reveals a secret or a lie
    • Teases readers with a question
    • Interjects an unexpected plot twist

Apps Provide Visual Aids

With the Aeon Timeline app synchronized with Scrivener, I can see and track where the green lines for the POV character (Deena Finch) and her friend (Judy Applegate) connect to the suspects (shown by the purple and red lines). For example:

Click to Enlarge

There’s no single path leading to the completion of a novel, but for me, adopting a story beats structure and using apps decreased my stress and increased my delight.


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6 responses to “A Story Beats HOOK Example”

  1. Kelsey Bryant Avatar
    Kelsey Bryant

    Great job on hitting all the beats with this scene! What I liked most was how it established Deena as a sympathetic character, someone that many people can relate to since we like comfort and routine (plus dogs and coffee!), and then promptly overturned her world and left readers wondering what she’ll do next. The details about her and her life paint the scene well and help us feel as shocked as she is when the dead body turns up.

    I think what stresses me most about writing is the research needed to make things in the story believable, such as historical or technical details. But there are so many things that delight me about writing that it’s hard to pick one! I love the feeling of being immersed in a pivotal scene when you’re hardly aware you are typing because you can see it all so clearly – characters, setting, dialogue, action.

    Thank you for the reviews on our Thanksgiving novellas!

    1. Grant Avatar

      Thanks for the feedback, Kelsey! Writing is like golf—one good shot (e.g., a scene that works), and you’re hooked 🙂 My pleasure reading the four novellas, looking forward to more.

  2. Jacqui Murray Avatar

    You hooked me right away, Grant. Peanut butter dog treats, homemade–I knew a whole lot about your character just by those words. Well done!

    1. Grant Avatar

      Credit goes to all those teachers listed on the Books for Writers page. Thanks, Jacqui, for the boost and feedback!

  3. joylenebutler Avatar

    I can see you’re a details-man, Grant. Good for you. All that hard work is destined to make you a huge success. I wish I had half your energy. Excellent excerpt. Happy IWSG day. I’m joylene #94.

    1. Grant Avatar

      Thanks Joylene! I’d love to stick with the big picture; however, many genres require extra details. Gifted teachers have written books about how structure satisfies readers’ expectations, and I’m showing my appreciation by passing the information along to fellow writers.

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